
Archive for March, 2013

Right Now I’m…


…enjoying a cup of morning coffee prepared the café au lait way. My favorite decaf French Roast. Yummy.


…planning a delicious looking new cake recipe for Ashley’s half birthday today. She’s halfway to 11. How did that happen? She chose a chocolate cake with coffee frosting for her half cake. My girl likes coffee. She loves coffee ice cream and I have allowed her to drink decaf café au lait with me now that she is 10. I think it helps her feel older and allows us to bond as we share a coffee break together.

The Lord of the Rings -The Return of the King

…looking forward to our dinner and movie night with grandma and granddad this evening. We have been watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy and will watch the final installment tonight. It is so much fun to have Ian and Janet join us on Friday night for this family time.

2013 Focus 03 March

…excited for the month ahead. Since the start of the year I’ve been keeping a checklist for each month over the light switch in my closet. I have nine items on my list that add a great deal to my happiness. They are little things that I often neglect and now I have finally decided to make myself more aware of their importance by tracking them. I check the list each night before I get into bed and again in the mornings before I start my day. I find little checkmarks to be the best reward to motivate myself.

…happy to have scheduled solo voice lessons for myself again, starting today! James and I have a duet lesson together every other week and it is great fun singing with him. I have missed having a solo lesson since we started the autumn/winter session of duet lessons so decided it was time to sing solo again too.

…motivated to lose 10 pounds between now and my birthday in May. I will add exercise to each day, drink a glass of water each time I feel like eating outside of designated meal/snack times and get adequate sleep.

…committing to twice weekly check-ins with my friend Pauline to keep focus on my monthly checklist and encourage Pauline to focus on what’s important to her each month.

Okay, time to make a phone call, play with my boys, run an errand, sing some songs, bake a cake, prepare a dinner and enjoy my day and my family. This is good start to a new month.

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